No, no, no. No Maggie here.

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A rather short, poor old lady narrates us the awesome life of Margaret Thatcher. Oh yes, this version of Meryl Streep is supposed to be Maggie in 2012, or at least the Maggie shaped by Phyllida Lloyd’s imagination. Quite a commercial success and a personal achievement of Oscar winner Meryl.

The objective is to describe Thatcher not as much as a political figure but rather as a working woman, former grocer’s daughter, mother, ambitious youngling and stubborn wife. An “Iron Lady” that is, parallel to the politician but not exactly the politician; obviously this is not incompatible with reality. Thatcher was nothing but a politician.

The director uses the flashback technique rather too often; this bouncing from present to past and vice-versa does little to contribute to the storyline, nor it gives a flow to the narration. Some stops at Thatcher’s life moments seem a bit dull.

And while you’re yawning carefree and lay your lazy hand searching for more pop-corn, you violently get jarred by Maggie Streep’s screech in a moment of in-House hysteria directed to the opposition leader. 

Ok, well, I get it; it’s not a political film. Then why “Iron Lady”? How’s the film justifying the title? How can you detach a politician from her good or bad deeds but you can show bits of IRA, Thatcherism, the war on the unions? Why did this woman feel guilt, if so, anyway?

There’s that young, ambitious, almost sexy girl starring early in the film striving to prove herself in a manly world. How sad; admirable; I feel sympathetic, but, hey, this is NOT Maggie. Dunno how you call her, but it’s not Maggie.

Excellent, chic, up-to the date costumes. And of course, was there any real actor in this film, other than Meryl Streep? Surely Thatcher is the central figure, but this would all be stronger if others would actually play.
This is an indifferent piece, deceitful, charming and not suitable for a nice slam! In the end, one does not see how cool - or not - Thatcher was as a leader, but more like how awesome Streep would make of a prime minister.


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